A meeting of Rectors and Principals, of formation houses across the Conference was held on the 4th of August via Zoom. This was an informative meeting where each centre shared how they are winding up with the academic year and at the same time preparing for the next. Generally, external factors majorly as a result of COVID-19 have strongly influenced the end of the year.
As lockdown measures start to ease, outgoing scholastics are beginning to leave and hence each centre will be able to house in-coming members. The schools have also witnessed an increase in intake, resulting from the fact that they have been able to successfully finish the academic year. In all, the efforts of Jesuit formation centres have been laudable as they were able to use online classrooms to complete the last part of the semester. This is what has attracted new patrons. Furthermore, new courses are projected across the five centres as upgrades to their academic propositions. Finally, a proposal for a safeguarding workshop is being considered and a suitable time will be set.
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