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Annual Reviews & Synodality E-book

Bilan Annuel 2023

Annual Review 2023

Bilan Annuel 2022

Jesuits Africa Annual Review 2022

Annual Review 2021

JCAM at 50: Annual Review 2020

Annual Review 2018

Annual review 2018

A Pocket Companion to Synodality: Voices from Africa

Un compagnon de poche pour la synodalité : Voix d’Afrique

A Life-Giving Vision of Synodality from African Consecrated Women

Une vision vivifiante de la synodalité des femmes consacrées africaines

A Vision of Synodality Rooted in an African Ecclesial Context

Une vision de la synodalité ancrée dans un contexte ecclésial africain
Recent Books
Reinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Marcel Uwineza, Elisée Rutagambwa, and Michel Segatagara Kamanzi, Editors

RISEN FROM THE ASHES: Theology as Autobiography in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Marcel Uwineza, SJ

Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, SJ

Challenges Facing Higher Education in East Africa
Joseph Oduor Afulo, SJ

Competing Catholicisms
Jean Luc Enyegue, SJ

Elections, Violence and Transitional Justice in Africa

Creating a Consistent Culture of Safeguarding in Church and Society:

Catholic Peacebuilding and Mining

The Pope and the Pandemic: Lessons in Leadership in a Time of Crisis

Guide de l’intelligence émotionnelle

La justice sociale dans le Livre de Job

The Way, the Truth and the Life

Montee de L’Islamisme Radical et Violent en Afrique

Incultrating the Church in Africa

On Fire with Praise

Patterns of Morality in the Bible

Catholic University Education Today

Comment prendre une bonne décision?

Quatrième de couverture

Mary of Bethany Called the Magdalene

A Gendered African Perspective on Christian Social Ethics
Press Releases

Statement by the President of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) on Cyclone Idai
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If you wish to make a donation by direct bank transfer please contact Fr Paul Hamill SJ treasurer@jesuits.africa. Fr Paul will get in touch with you about the best method of transfer for you and share account details with you. Donations can be one-off gifts or of any frequency; for example, you might wish to become a regular monthly donor of small amounts; that sort of reliable income can allow for very welcome forward planning in the development of the Society’s works in Africa and Madagascar.
Often it is easier to send a donation to an office within your own country and Fr Paul can advise on how that might be done. In some countries this kind of giving can also be recognised for tax relief and the necessary receipts will be issued.