We seek to undertake this mission with spiritual and intellectual depth and with a deep commitment to social justice, solidarity with the poor and respect for God’s creation.

This spirit continues to shape what Jesuits do as brothers and priests.

Our ministries extend across a world of human need and striving — from parishes to prisons, from retreat centers to refugee resettlements, from schools to hospitals.

We are committed in building God’s kingdom, the promotion of justice through dialogue between cultures and religions, respect for those who are most in need, and lovingly to care for our world which in so many ways is in need of healing.

Jesuits Ministry
Our ministries extend across a world of human need and striving — from parishes to prisons, from retreat centers to refugee resettlements, from schools to hospitals.

Mission in Spirituality
Giving the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises is one of the most important missions of the Society of Jesus. The Exercises are an effective instrument by which God acts to bring about spiritual and personal transformation in our time and culture. They help people to be reconciled with God, with themselves and with each other. In a world of joys and sorrows, hopes and tears, brokenness anvd goodness, the Lord makes his healing presence felt on a daily basis.

Social &
Ecological Issues
Social justice is at the heart of the mission of the Society of Jesus. Our commitment to social justice leads us to view the world through the eyes of the poor and marginalised. Our accompaniment of those who suffer poverty makes us listen to the cry of those who suffer the consequences of the destruction of the natural environment. And so, we are particularly active in those countries where the poor fall victim to environmental destruction.
“We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.”
– Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 139

Service of Faith
In this global world marked by such profound changes we want to deepen our understanding of the call to serve faith and dialogue with cultures and other religions to establish right relationships with God, with one another, and with creation. A Secretariat for the Service of Faith was created by Father General to advise on issues that the Society must address in the Service of Faith. It collaborates with the other Secretariats to animate the service of faith in all apostolic sectors.

Tertiary Education
Depth and creativity are key words in the Society’s missions and ministries and are the cornerstone of our mission in Higher Education. We have universities and higher education faculties in over 80 countries of the world. They are devoted to an in-depth appreciation of the world that we live in. They promote an ever deeper understanding of the human person and the dynamics at work in our world – inter-personal, religious, social, physical and cultural.
Secondary &
Today Jesuit run schools and colleges in Africa have continued this commitment to excellence in education by ensuring that students are instilled with the ability to become social innovators and work towards a deeper understanding God’s will for themselves and the world as a whole. Across the continent the Society is responsible for 31 high schools and even more primary institutions located in the provinces and regions. Our ethos is based on the the formation of Christian “men and women for others” so that they can become competent in their field of study, persons of conscience full of compassion and committed to essential Christian values with a deepfelt preference for the poor.

Ecumenical & Inter-religious Relations

The way to unity between the Christian churches is another priority for Jesuits. This was already the case at the very beginning of the Society of Jesus. Pierre Favre (Peter Faber), one of the first companions of St. Ignatius was sent several times to Germany to meet the Reformers, a mission he held close to heart.

Interfaith dialogue involves understanding what God might be saying through other religious traditions. For a few Jesuits, dialogue means theological exchange. It demands not just face-to-face debate but a life of study and constant reflection on what God may be saying through these other religious traditions In this and many other ways, Jesuits are seeking to multiply sparks of hope for God’s “greater glory.”

Pastoral Ministries
Jesuits work in a variety of pastoral situations that includes parishes, hospitals, prisons, university chaplaincies and so much more. We try to imitate the creativity and the compassion of Our Lord who went about doing good, healing, teaching, preaching, reconciling. Our pastoral work is a graced and privileged point of contact with people in their daily lives and in the cycle of birth and death, work and play. The sacraments play a key part in this. They are the privileged ways where Jesus meets His people and touches them, bringing his Risen Life and saving power to them.

Young Adult Ministry
Our work with young people ranges from ministry to youth on the margins to educational work in schools and universities. We journey with young people who are homeless and suffering. Our work also includes retreats targeted specifically at the need and aspirations of the young. We offer vocational discernment to help young people discover where God is calling them.
Their contribution to building a new world is needed. Ignatian Spirituality is a spirituality of journey, of positivity; of discovery and so it speaks directly to young people today. Our Provinces and Regions offer spirituality programmes for young people.

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If you wish to make a donation by direct bank transfer please contact Fr Paul Hamill SJ treasurer@jesuits.africa. Fr Paul will get in touch with you about the best method of transfer for you and share account details with you. Donations can be one-off gifts or of any frequency; for example, you might wish to become a regular monthly donor of small amounts; that sort of reliable income can allow for very welcome forward planning in the development of the Society’s works in Africa and Madagascar.
Often it is easier to send a donation to an office within your own country and Fr Paul can advise on how that might be done. In some countries this kind of giving can also be recognised for tax relief and the necessary receipts will be issued.