Since the 36th General Congregation (GC 36), the Jesuit world has been abuzz with transformative activity. From consultations on poverty and discernment on the Universal Apostolic Preferences to the Procurators’ Congregation, the Society of Jesus has been on a dynamic journey of renewal.
Provinces have been restructured to enhance mission effectiveness, training sessions on discernment in common and apostolic planning have been conducted, and the Discerning Leadership program has expanded its reach, equipping lay collaborators, religious, and clergy with essential skills. Communications have also seen a remarkable transformation, with the General Curia’s communications department revitalized and a flurry of letters exchanged in a manner that would have made St. Ignatius proud.
Amidst all this activity, some have asked, “What is all this leading to?” The recent Enlarged Council meeting, held from January 13 to 17, provided a clear and inspiring answer to that question.
Deepening Perspectives: The Women’s Commission
The meeting began with a report from the Women’s Commission, which presented new proposals aimed at deepening perspectives and widening consultation processes in decision-making. Fr. Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, highlighted the significance of this work, noting that GC 34’s groundbreaking Decree 14 on the role of women laid the foundation for this commission.
“The perspectives of women enrich and renew us,” Fr. Sosa remarked. “Discernment cannot be complete without their voices. Jesuits have blind spots—let’s be honest. The Commission’s work will help us move beyond these limitations to discover God’s dream for our world today.”
Strengthening Formation for Mission Partners
The Council also unveiled a new website dedicated to resources for Mission Partner Formation. Emphasizing the importance of formation, Fr. Sosa recalled St. Ignatius’s conviction that strong and deep formation is essential for impactful Jesuit ministry.
“We are carrying this vision into the 21st century by ensuring high-quality formation not only for Jesuits but also for our mission partners,” he said.
Education: A Pillar of Jesuit Mission
The Council received updates on Jesuit education, which continues to be a cornerstone of the Society’s mission. Jesuit institutions serve over 750,000 students in higher education and more than 2 million in secondary and pre-secondary education. Fr. Sosa expressed pride in the growing collaboration across sectors, with higher education institutes working alongside social centers and spiritual centers strengthening mission and identity in educational institutions.
Innovations in Communication and Vocation
A new communications plan was introduced, reflecting the Society’s commitment to effective and modern outreach. The Council also discussed fresh perspectives on the vocation of Brothers and announced a special workshop in July to explore the Constitutions in greater depth, shedding light on how they shape Jesuit identity and mission.
Synodality and Integral Ecology
With Pope Francis’s synodal process gaining momentum, the demand for facilitators skilled in discernment in common has surged. The Council highlighted a new training program designed to meet this need, ensuring competent facilitators are available to guide the Synodal journey. Additionally, findings from a survey on integral ecology were presented, underscoring the Society’s commitment to environmental stewardship.
A Spirit-Led Renewal
Reflecting on the meeting, Fr. Sosa expressed deep consolation and humility at the ways the Spirit is guiding the Society of Jesus. “The meeting demonstrated how all these processes are leading to an intense and profound renewal of our life and mission,” he said. “When we make space for the Spirit, we open ourselves to new directions. With this openness, we become ‘Servants of Christ’s Mission’ not just in words but in reality, as GC 33 called us to be.”
The Society of Jesus is clearly on a path of vibrant renewal, guided by the Spirit and rooted in its Ignatian heritage. As Jesuits and their collaborators continue to discern, innovate, and collaborate, they remain steadfast in their mission to serve Christ and the world with renewed vigor and vision.
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