Kasisi, Zambia - The Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC), renowned for its focus on sustainable organic farming, is facing a severe challenge with its crucial water source, the Kasisi Dam.

Established as a solution to the water scarcity caused by the blockage of the Ngwerere River by upstream wheat farmers, the dam has been essential for the community's water supply since its construction before 1996.

In the early days, KATC grappled with inconsistent water access, relying on sporadic agreements to receive water from the Ngwerere River once a week. Recognizing the unsustainable nature of this arrangement, Brother Paul, the founder of KATC, spearheaded the construction of the Kasisi Dam to capture and store water during the rainy season. This initiative transformed the centre and the surrounding community, providing reliable water for irrigation, fishing, and recreational activities.

Today, however, the Kasisi Dam is in jeopardy. Recent damage to the dam's spillway has resulted in significant water loss, threatening the stability of the water supply that the community heavily depends on. Immediate repairs are urgently needed to prevent further damage and secure the dam's functionality.

KATC is appealing to partners, donors, and concerned individuals for financial assistance to facilitate the necessary repairs. This support is critical to ensuring the sustainability of the community's water resources and preserving the environment.

"We urge everyone to join hands in this crucial mission. Your financial contributions can significantly impact the preservation of our water supply and the future of our community," said a representative from KATC.

For those willing to contribute or seeking more information about the rehabilitation efforts, please contact The Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) via email at director.katc@gmail.com or phone at +260 763 989 419.

Together, we can safeguard a sustainable future for the Kasisi community and ensure the continued success of the Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre.